What is Coaching?

People often look for a Wellbeing Coach when they reach a crossroads and notice they are asking themselves questions about their future, their purpose and which direction should they take. Coaching can help in various areas of life such as

A deeper understanding of our current internal world and implementation of (often small) behavioural change, can lead to improved mood, self esteem and self awareness. By setting personalised goals for a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. 

Addressing the 'Whole Life', because we are human beings, not programmes set just to function. We often cannot separate or compartmentalise all the different aspects of our lives into neat little boxes. Everything is connected in some way, and so our Coaching relationship must be able to work with aspects of  your life. Coaching is 'present' and 'future' orientated. 

Key aspects of a coach's role:

The Agenda Comes from the Client: This means that our relationship is focused on getting the results that you want, not what I or anyone else thinks is best for you. It is my task to ensure that you are moving towards fulfilment and balance, and are able to engage in the process of your life.

Providing support: I will provide you with my full and undivided attention, emotional and motivational support, deep levels of listening, of what is being said, and not said. Together we will explore any limiting beliefs and barriers to overcome obstacles that may be holding you back. I  will ask the right questions, to help you stay focused, throughout the coaching process.

Offering feedback: I will provide non-judgemental feedback on performance, highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement. This feedback is often focused on specific skills or behaviours, and is designed to help you improve performance.

Developing skills: As a coach I will work with you to develop the skills you need to achieve your goals. This involves  having an awareness that every individual is Naturally Creative, Resourceful and Whole, the Co-Active approach to coaching comes from the belief that you have the answers or can find the answers, if asked the right questions, encouraging alternative perspectives, offering resources, if requested, or facilitating practice and experimentation.

Holding accountability: I promise to hold you accountable for your progress and for meeting the goals you have set. By providing regular check-ins for specific deadlines or milestones.

Ultimately, my role is focused on holding space, helping you achieve your 'full life' potential. To provide support, and accountability, while helping you develop skills and strategies needed to succeed.