
Whist I am an accredited, qualified professional Coach, Therapist and Mental Health Nurse, I am not a doctor, and will not offer medical care or medical advice on this website or in sessions. No content or information provided on this website or in sessions is medical advice nor should it be construed as such. 

The information given must not replace or be a substitute for the services of a doctor. All medical, personal, or family health, and/or mental health concerns should be discussed with your General Practitioner (GP). Nothing I share as a Coach or Therapist constitutes medical advice or medical care. 

Coaching is also not advice.You are responsible for any and all life decisions you decide to make. No guarantees are made that you will achieve any specific results from the content found on this website or in session.

When working with Clients, I maintain the strictest level of confidentiality, unless the release of information is required by law. For example: I would only breach your confdence if I think there is immediately life threatening risk of harm to yourself or others, or there are any child protection concerns. 

I hold an Enhanced DBS.

If, in sessions, I think speaking with your GP would be of benefit or an alternative modality is more appropriate, I will discuss this with you. 

I maintain confidential client records and have the appropriate indemnity insurance in place. 

EMCC Code of Ethics


AC Code of Ethics
